So after I wrote last time I just went on carrying on with life thinking I was going to write once a month at least but that didn't happen because
I was 8 months prego and I feel down the stairs and broke my foot in 3 place and had to wear a boot for 6 weeks. . .I didn't get out very much after that.
**(pregnant, broken and with a 2 yr old boy, lots of work!)
I decided to teach swim lessons and had a blast. I was 9 months prego and teaching 24 kids how to swim! I loved it! They were soooo good!
Then I had my baby. . .
Her name is Krya (korea with out the o)
She was 6lbs 4 oz and beautiful. It was fast. once my water broke It was an hour and 1 push later and she was crying!
Now I have 2 kids and loving it! I must say sleep is rare but i am managing.
Tavis love her and is definetly her biggest threat! I can't keep him away. Every morning be blots down stairs and shakes her co-sleeper until she wakes up or until I find him and throw him in time out!
He has to point out all her features, noise, eyes, ears, head, toes, feet, etc. He thinks her hands and feet come off and that her eyes are indistructable! other than that we are good!
We went to the dr. for his 2 year check up and her 2 week check up and she had to get her pku shoots and when she started crying tavis was so worried! he got teary eyed and everything, "oh no ma, oh no." he would say! soooo precious!
So anyways i've been busy but doing great!
Love ya all
enjoy the pictures!